Our Programmes

Kinder Gym

We offer 45 minute Kinder Gym classes for ages 2-5 years (class requires parent assistance)

Our Kinder Gym classes cater to all ability levels and involve structured activities such as warm up, games, music, fundamental development in movement, and group work all in a fun and encouraging space.

Your child will be exposed to core values of gymnastics such as team work, group activities, co-operation, lining up, positive interaction and ability to follow instruction.

Your little superstar will learn basic fundamental skills of gymnastics which can be applied to further their gymnastics goals, or assist in developing skills that can be applied to everyday life or other sports.

Kindergym classes run for 45 minutes and are taught by "Gymnastics Australia qualified gymnasts" and not kindergym specific trained.

book a class see all programmes
35C Chambers Road
Altona North, VIC 3025
(03) 9398 0567
During staffed hours
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